Spoonful Of Comfort, sometimes thats all we need. When were down or just in the mood for some good cooking. This company has the greatest idea of how to bring it right onto your table top! Spoonful Of Comfort offers handmade soup gift baskets. You can get a 64oz (4-6 servings) Jar of the best chicken soup ever for 34.00. You can also add in made from scratch rolls, oatmeal raisin cookies, warm cozy socks, and also a little token to make any day brighter.
Weather you just want some good old handmade soup or if you wanna get for someone else, this soup is for everyone to enjoy! Maybe one night you don’t want to cook, this makes the perfect food for a quick meal that will have your belly satisfied! Even if your an on the go person and often enjoy some greasy takeout, you can bet this soup will make you feel a whole lot better by heating it up and enjoying those nice soft rolls. Spoonful Of Comfort is a great company to buy from because they not only make food right out of your grandmother’s kitchen but also support charities such as the Cancer Society in Memory of Mona Bowes. They have the nicest customer service I have seen.
How this company came about is a truly bitter sweet story!! The owners mother was diagnosed with lung cancer and because she lived so far away (Think of the distance as Florida to Canada) She just got back from visiting her mom tat day. With having young children in school, turning right away wasn’t an option. She wanted something to send her to say she cared, to get well, and to comfort her in some way. Flowers and fruits are pretty but just were not going to do the trick! So “Spoonful Of Comfort was born” About 6 weeks later her mother had passed away. So from then on the owner made it a priority for people that were under the weather to feel a little comfort in getting well. This is really a remarkable story of how something was born and for great causes. When I am sick, I wish I had someone to make me some great tasting chicken soup. While I lived with my grandmother she later passed from lung cancer as well. I had a aunt beat breast cancer, so this is nothing new to me on trying to make people feel better. You wouldn’t believe the smallest thing can go a long way! My grandmother’s last days, I remember her only wanting to eat some kind of soup from a local restaurant called “Hill Top” My pops would go there everyday to get her some. I don’t remember a lot but I remember how it made her feel. A little bit of comfort.
I love everything about this soup. It comes in a nicely packaged box frozen solid and cold. The soup itself is so good, it had big chunks of chicken in it and nice thick noodles. It was just the best I have ever had! The rolls, O, the rolls were so good. I heated them in the oven and they were just how I wanted them to taste. The cookie is the perfect ending! The soup comes in a nice strong glass jar that you can put the left overs (if you have any 😉 back into it or save it for later use.
Everything is great about the package and perfect for someone under the weather. It not only beats out all those flowers, candy, and fruit arrangements but gives someone a boost into feeling better “literally” and having them really enjoy it! I most certainly strongly suggest you buy some soup for yourself as well as share it along with your family. It is the perfect, unique gift to give to anyone. Who doesn’t like to give a gift that keeps on giving.
FTC guidelines: I received product samples in exchange for my honest review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone.
Stephanie says
Yum, this looks delicious! I love that they use all natural ingredients, no additives or preservatives, its hard to find in soups these days. Thanks for the chance.
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Amy W. says
GFC follower and I learned Chicken soup can actually reduce symptoms of a cold. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
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Linda Kish says
Besides providing liquids and nourishment, they say the steam from the hot soup helps to open up your sinuses thus making you breathe easier.
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Brittney says
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I learned that Dr. Stephen Rennard, a specialist in
pulmonary medicine, put grandma's theory to the test. He has found that chicken soup can inhibit inflammation of the cells in the nasal passage which reduces the symptoms of a cold. WHich is amazing!
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jennifer57 says
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i learned on thier site: Chicken soup has also been found to contain an amino acid that is similar to a drug used to treat some respiratory infections.
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Terra H. says
I follow your blog and I learned that Chicken soup has been found to contain an amino acid that is similar to a drug used to treat some respiratory infections.
*LLL with Leslie* says
GFC follower + chicken soup can inhibit inflammation of the cells in the nasal passage which reduces the symptoms of a cold.
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wendysue says
Chicken Soup is a good source of nutrients & re-hydration among other things. : ) wmcdaniel (at) chartermi (dot) net
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sueparks2003 says
lost my mandatory – it has amino acids used in some meds for respiratory ailments also between the soup and steam it helps the nasal passages
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Ricki says
I learned that Chicken Soup contains an amino acid similar to a drug that's used to help treat respiratory infections
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I'm a follower with GFC! I love the legend of chicken soup because it's so true–I will forever associate chicken soup with being sick as a child or having something warm to come home to after playing in the snow!
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Catherine says
I "liked" Spoonful of Comfort on Facebook…I love their story and this is such a great idea to send to sick friends and family
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Deb K says
I follow you with GFC~Deb K
And I learned that they use all natural ingredients, no additives or preservatives!
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katklaw777 says
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I learned that Chicken soup is a good source of nutrients and re-hydration. thanks
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Sherrie says
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Chicken Soup was found to contain an amino acid that's similar to a drug used to treat some respiratory infections.
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