We all have signed up for several “free” bonus cards. Some such as grocery stores, Pharmacy stores, and more. If I held on to everyone I ever got. I’d have to have a designated purse for them all.
My bonus card I’d say I use the most is for the grocery store. I always end up running by myself and my husband having the bonus card or we forgot it in the other car. We often run into no being able to find it as well. This gets annoying fast. Sometimes I go into Weis and save a good 30 bucks,while other times it’s like 50 cents. Either way I don’t wanna pay extra money if I don;t have too. I mean 50 cents is a gallon of water! With my husband the only working and me as the stay at home mom, we try to save an cut corners when theres an easy solution.
The Numi Key allows you to place all of your bonus card on this one “digital card”. This has come in so handy. I hold onto the Numi Key because I am the one that uses it. My husband hardly ever goes into a store alone, let alone, remember to use a bonus card. For me this has been a life saver. I don’t have to scramble threw my wallet to find the correct card, nor worry I left it somewhere. I love this. It’s so new that the check out person looked at me like what do you want to do, when I pointed it to the scanner. Then after seeing it really worked, they were all in “aw” too. How do you add the cards to your Numi Key? Just go to their provided site and transfer them all over, it’s really easy.
Soon, you will be able to use it to support your coupons, gift cards, and tickets. You charge it via USB cord and it can be modified from any computer. Stores up to 50 coupons, loyalty cards, or gift cards. Start your new year off with less clutter and more saving!
The Numi Key is so small you will hardly notice until you need it. It comes with a handy circle to place on your key chain. This is such a simple trinket and useful. This would also make a great gift for that couponer you know that always has about 20 cut outs! I recommended getting one of these are trying it out.
Click here to buy it from Amazon.com
couponingfromFL2MI says
I follow you via GFC and I would love to win this because I have about 24 key tags on my key ring. It would really cut down on what I carry around.
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jennifer57 says
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jennifer57 says
I would love to win this because it's a great idea! I never heard of it before. It is soooooo hard dealing with all these "rewards" cards all the time.
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I have a lot of Rewards Cards and too bulky for my wallet!
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bettycd says
The Numi Key is new to me and sounds like a great answer to help me be able to locate the correct card when shopping. It's embarrassing and frustrating having to produce the correct store card when making a purchase. I have 5 grocery cards and 4 of them are on a red background. arrrrrghh! And if we don't have that magic card, we pay a higher price.
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Gina P says
I follow you on GFC. I would love to win this….it's the best little invention!! I have over 20 cards on my key ring and in my wallet…this would be so much nicer to carry around.
Gina P
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Kelly D. says
I would love to win this not only so it could hold all those cards that always get lost but because I am down to one kroger card that is very worn down and never works and they never issue new one – hard to believe but that is what I was told, so I would love to win this!
sbmn44 at yahoo dot com
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Karen F says
I am a gfc follower and I would like this because I hate having to carry all those cards
kkfoster35 at msn dot com
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bamalynn says
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My wallet could benefit from getting all my frequent shopper cards out of there!
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Brittney says
I would like the Numi Card because I also have tons of store cards and I also use coupons!
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Nicole B says
Wow! I want to try one of these for all my cards, coupons, etc.
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Linda Kish says
I would like one because my wallet is too full of cards.
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lkish77123 at gmail dot com
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Claudia says
I Follow you on Google Friend Connect
and would like to win , because, I will be able to store all my rewards cards and will be much easier than to carry all the cards on my walllet
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